Back Care Pilates

One of the most common reasons for a visit to the doctor is for low back pain. But don’t be surprised instead of prescribing medicine for the pain, the doctor may recommend you try Pilates or other exercises. 


If you have received an exercise prescription from your doctor, be assured your doctor is following the updated medical guidelines for back pain. Updated in 2017, the American College of Physicians recommend physicians not to prescribe medicine as the first line of treatment for back pain. Before patients are given anti-inflammatory medication or muscle relaxants, physicians should recommend patients try other therapies like exercise, acupuncture, massage therapy or yoga for the pain, the group said. 

Dr. Nitin Damle, president of the group told the New York Times in a report, “We need to look at therapies that are non-pharmacological first. That is a change.”

The updated recommendations came as the United States and other wealthy nations faced an epidemic of opioid addiction. The addiction often started with a simple prescription of painkillers for ailments like back pain. The efficacy of painkillers in providing long-term relief is questionable. Instead, there has been an alarming rise in deaths from prescription drug overdose in developed countries. The problem has led many doctors around the world to reassess their prescription practices. 

Back pain often resolved itself overtime, the medical group said in the report. As a result, physicians should reassure their patients that they would get better no matter what treatment they try.


But for more chronic back pain that won’t go away, research shows core strengthening exercise is particularly helpful. Transversus abdominis as the name suggests is an abdominal muscle, located deep in the abdomen. The multifidus is located more posteriorly in the trunk and is a deep back muscle. TA and multifidus, along with the internal obliques, made up the trio, often referred to as the body’s core muscles. As core muscles are deep muscles of the trunk — located close to the lumbar spine — they play an important role in lumbar, as well as pelvic stability. 

A 2011 study, published in the Manual Therapy Journal, highlighted the importance of the TA and multifidus muscles in particular, in preventing back pain. Patients with chronic back pain were 4.5 times weaker in the contraction of the TA and multifidus when performing normal activities, compared to individuals with no back pain, the study showed. Back pain corresponds with weak core muscles.


In the last two decades, there has been a growing body of research to suggest the benefit of core exercise in the reduction of back pain. Pilates is best known as an exercise to improve core strength. Clinical studies have shown the Pilates method of drawing the navel (or belly button) into the spine when performing an exercise is particularly effective in recruiting core muscles, and getting them to work. As a result, Pilates is often recommended as the go-to exercise when you have back pain.

Young men from 21 to 40 years old are most likely to take medical leave (MC) from work for back pain than the rest of the work force.  More young men should do Pilates given the benefits of core exercise.

Pilates is a good exercise for all age groups and fitness levels. If you have back pain, instead of medication, why not try Pilates? Start today. Select from below the programme that best suits you:

Back Care Programmes

Core Exercises for Back Pain Relief

Pilates 1-to-1

Do you have back pain when you try to be more active? Or does your back hurt whenever you sit or stand more? Or you have a prior back injury and want to be more careful with the exercise. Try the Pilates 1-to-1 session for Back Care. What you will receive:

  • A personalised Pilates session to suit your need
  • Particularly helpful if you have specific tightness on the low back, hamstrings, hip flexors or calves and want to focus on the area/s
  • Enjoy the different ways to stretch and lengthen your back muscles, while improving your core strength
  • Improve sitting and standing posture
  • Go slow on exercises you find difficult, speed up on exercises you find easy; exercise at a pace that suits you: good for beginners
  • Access to Rehabilitation for pain relief, manual therapy is included in the session at no extra charge. See Back Care Manual Therapy for more details

Sign up for a trial today

 (65) 6996 4396 today or sign up below

Manual therapy for back pain relief

Back Care Manual Therapy

A key predictor of back pain is a prior injury. As a result, it is important to have a Back Care programme that offers Rehabilitation to loosen tension on the low back, and an exercise programme to strengthen. What you will receive from the 1-to-1:

  • An assessment of the pain and range of motion 
  • Manual therapy to loosen tension on the low back: feel better
  • Improve your back movement: bend over to pick up an item or extend your back to reach out for an item on the top shelf without pain
  • Receive stretching exercises for the back which you can do at home
  • Access to Pilates exercise to improve core strength for more long-term relief
  • Instead of doing the same exercises, receive exercise progression so you could improve further; exercise without fear of re-injury

Sign up for a trial today

 (65) 6996 4396 today or sign up below

Share the joy of Pilates

Pilates Duet

You want to try Pilates, and share the experience with a loved one or friend. Our sweetheart sessions may just be the answer:

  • Strengthen and stretch in a programme designed for you both. Find a better match between your need and interest, and the exercise
  • The exercises will also address specific aches or pain you have; avoid injury
  • Flexible timing to suit your schedule, so you rarely miss a session; improve with regular practice
  • Build lean muscles, get back into shape
  • Improve your sitting and standing posture; experience less aches and pain
  • Option to top-up for a 3rd person, a loved one or friend, to join you in class; pay per use

Sign up for a trial today

(65) 6996 4396 today or sign up below.

Group Class Pilates

We know everyone is different, so we offer a variety of group classes for Fitness, Rehab, Prenatal and Active Aging to meet your special goals:

  • Fitness: do you want to get back to shape and be fitter? Our Reformer & Mat Flow allow you to take a combination of reformer and mat exercises for a well-rounded workout
  • Rehab: Reformer Care taps into the benefits of Pilates for Rehabilitation
  • Prenatal: enjoy core exercises with other mothers-to-be in a class solely for you
  • Active Aging: if you are 65 years and above, the Gold Class helps you achieve your goals of staying active and pain free
  • Small class size of 4 – 6 participants to 1 instructor, receive the attention you need
  • Many classes to choose from, never miss a session

Sign up for a trial today from $60* only

*T&C apply.

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    YES! Sign me up for the following trial for Back Care (please select one):

    Describe your painful joint/s & fitness goals:

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    Waking Up with Less Back Pain, Can't Wait for My Next Session

    May has magic hands! I’d been experiencing chronic and acute lower back pain for quite some time and tried various things to no avail. During my first visit with May, she not only released tension in the relevant muscles, but also taught me how to engage my core muscles properly. Just by looking at how I walk or move, she knows exactly which muscles need work. I now wake up to much less pain coz I learned how to release the tension in my lower back. I can’t wait for my next session with her.

    Walked in with Walking Stick & Waist Support, Walked out Unaided

    I had severe back pain due to prolonged sitting with bad posture. I tried acupuncture with little improvement. Doctor cleared me for Pilates and I booked a session. I walked in with a walking stick and wearing a waist support. An hour of Pilates later, I walked out unaided. Now I'm just mindful that I need to have regular core strengthening sessions to have a healthy back. Thanks May!

    Looking Forward to Classes Each Week

    I’m halfway through my package with May and already feel improvements to my posture and wellbeing. Started classes because of lower back aches and May has been patient and helpful in helping me through the necessary stretches. I look forward to classes each week!

    Challenging, But Rewarding

    The workouts can sometimes be challenging; yet rewarding. After each session, I feel relieve for my stiff back and my body feels more balanced.
    Sher Ching

    Backache From Pregnancy Went Away

    I had a really bad backache during pregnancy and after my first session, the pain went away and I felt so much better. Really patient and caring instructor! Highly recommended!

    Totally Happy, Find Relief From Back Pain

    May is an amazing instructor and her Pilates sessions are very relaxing! She helped me relieved my back pain due to my first pregnancy since 4 years ago with only a few sessions. Totally happy with the result and looking forward to attending more sessions!

    Able to Sit on Hard Chairs, Feel Refresh

    I’d been having back pain when I sit. I couldn’t sit for long because of the pain. Sitting for a meeting became a problem. Since yesterday after the session (of manual therapy and Pilates,) I experienced a vast improvement. I'm able to sit even on hard chairs. When I got home yesterday, I was completely exhausted and slept very well. I am refreshed today. Thank you.

    The Best Part, My Lower Back Pain Has Gone Away

    I attended Pilates classes because of my lower back pain that came about after National Service. I had fears prior to joining May’s Pilates session as the only guy in class, but her non-judgemental attitude very quickly eased my worries and concerns. I started to enjoy the sessions more and more each week with her patient guidance. The best part is that now my lower back pain has gone away!

    Back Care class is fun, therapeutic

    I have fun in the Back Care class. Who would have thought you could use foam roller, spike ball, exercise bands and even a tennis ball to loosen the lower back? The pain can be intense on the parts of the body where the muscles are tight. As I learn to relax into it, the painful sensation feels good. That is when I think my body gets pampered.  My lower back is stronger also with the exercises in class, and I get to iron out the knots in my body. So therapeutic. I hope classes will continue as long as possible.
    Kwee Eng

    Less tired after a long day at work

    I am in my 40s. I can feel that my lower back and kneecap are starting to weaken. After I attended May's Pilates lessons, I can feel that I have improved in terms of strength, fitness and balance. I have learned to strengthen and stretch certain parts of our body muscles that we rarely work on in our daily life. My body posture has also improved tremendously, and I feel less tired after a long day of work in front of a computer.

    My 2017 Highlight is your Pilates Classes

    "One good thing that happened to me in 2017 is attending your Pilates classes. I have chronic lower back pain since early 20s. I am in my 30s now. From a MRI scan a year ago, I found I have ‘lesser fluid’ on two of my lower back discs which might be the cause of my back pain. Sometimes, sitting was just annoying and I’d to take leave from my desk or from what I was doing to lie down. I’d been visiting TCM for quick reliefs when the pain was unbearable. I did some yoga and exercises through the years. They helped but they seemed to bring me other issues like knee discomfort, and a feeling of imbalance on my lower back. It could be I was doing these yoga poses and exercises wrongly. However, in your Pilates classes, the instructions are very detailed and clear on which part of the body I should be working on. Hence, I am able to do the pose with confidence without having to worry I might injure my back further. The lower back feels so soft after each lesson. After so many years of searching for an answer, the solution to my lower back problem is Pilates, where ‘The pelvis is the centre of the body where everything begins’ 🙂 Thank you!"


    "I'm in my early 20s. Having a lower back strain for close to 3 years, I can really feel the difference after attending May's Pilates group lessons. I’ve been attending for 10 weeks. I can feel that my posture has improved significantly and my back doesn't hurt as often as before. Thank you!"


    "I’d persistent lower back pain after giving birth to my daughter. I saw many healthcare professionals, but my back didn’t get better. But since starting my private sessions, my pain has gone. Before I didn’t want to move out of fear my back would act up, but not anymore. I’ve started running, and recently completed a 5-km run. Thank you!"

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